Friday, October 28, 2011

That time again

Well it's that time again to do last minute costumes. I on he other hand are ready with the exception on spray painting my torch and book that will complete my Statue of Liberty costume. It's very unique in my own little way and I love it. Can't wait to post pictures. But I can show my latest craft

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Monday, June 27, 2011


Well we have a boat it only came a day late. I had wanted it on Mikes birthday but we bought it Friday and will pick it up tomorrow. Can't wait to take it out on the lake this weekend. Also just found out that Mikes truck is going to cost $1000 to fix. UGH!!!! sometimes you got to bite the bullet and spend the money. That's a lot especially since we just bought a boat

Ivory is looking better on her legs from the spider bites. Need to take her to a follow up appointment on wednesday hopefully they say that everything is good. She took the last bit of the nasty smelling antibiotic this morning. She was glad that was over!


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Friday, June 17, 2011

Hope this works

This is my first attempt to try and keep my blog alive. Alot has happened sine I was last on here.

Were still trying to move still haven't sold the house. The kids are out of school. Mike wants to buy a boat. Cory is 11 now. And Ivory has spider bites on her legs they are better by the day too

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Tuesday, February 8, 2011

here it is 2011

With all the weather and all, I have really struggled with getting the house ready to sell. we are wanting to move to Bryant, benton maybe. We have packed up most things that we know we are not using, and Mike has been working really hard on making the house look nice for people that want to see it. thank gosh for a husband like him. he can really do it all. tomorrow the weather is supposed to get bad, and I will like most people be watching the news and thinking about coming in to work. unfortunatly I cant do a lot of work from home stuff, so I will try really hard to come in. if at all possible. the kids are ready they started getting their stuff last night ready just in case, so they can play in it. I wonder what happened to us when we were little we lived to go outside and play, now I am out there in the snow for 10 min. tops and I am running to get inside. it's just isn't the same either. I will stand in the door way to watch the kids sometime and really love the sight of the snow, but I can't bring it to myself to go out there with them and play. the kids wanted me to make ice-cream from snow last time, so I am ready this time i have a recipe. 2011 here we are a year of bad weather. hopefully the weather will cooperate with us and things won't be all that bad
