Tuesday, November 3, 2009


Halloween was fun, my husband walked the kids around, and I sat at the house with Family and handed out candy. I have never done that and it was a blast. I really enjoyed. after the kids were done trick-or-treating we went over to some friends house, and spent the rest of the night there. the kids had fun over there they have all their friends there to play with and my friends are so great. I enjoy every moment with them.

Speaking of friends. Susan, Johanna, not sure what I would do if you guys wern't in my life. everyday that I think about friends I think about ya'll. some people act like your friends, and I can truly tell who they really are. so thanks guys you brighten up my life.

Today is Japaneese, and I can't wait I love Benihana's it's my favorite place in the city to eat, but I only get to eat lunch there, but it's great food.

now it's work time and I have ton's of scanning to do so, work work work all day long